About Our Logo |
Our company logo is based on a crop circle I saw a few years ago in South Wales (see arial shot [here]). The configuration shows how our 3 passions intersect: enabling internet technologies, life-long learning, and the Deming management philosophy. Virtually every pursuit of Breakthrough Systems is based on these.
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What We Do: |
In'·te·grat·ed: to form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning whole
So·lu'·tion : an action or process of solving a problem
Pro·vid'·er : one that provides
Running a business is tough enough these days. You face many problems each day. You need solutions. Fast. Without searching for or calling a dozen vendors.
We provide solutions... Integrated Solutions. At Business Speeds.
We want to help. Think of us as your on-call IT department. Our team of certified professionals can handle your internet access, computers, networking, domain registration, web site hosting, web site development, eCommerce applications; and the advice and counsel to pull it all together to meet your business goals.
Integrated Business Solutions -- That's What We Do.
Web Hosting and Development |
Breakthrough Systems prides itself in providing feature-rich, cost-effective web hosting for all levels of business.
Basic hosting starts at $19.95 per month (lower with pre-payment discounts). Rather than bore business people with pages and pages of stats -- we give you exactly what you need for the best price we can.
Whether you are a small business needing a 5 page start-up site or a higher end retailer needing a complex eCommerce solution, Breakthrough Systems stands ready to serve you. Our certified developers as well as those in our network combine to deliver professional results designed to meet the specific needs of your business or organization.
By handling both the web hosting and web development -- we can ensure that the services you need are available at the cost you require.
Computer Hardware: |
Business Network? residential networks? Over-clocked gaming machines? White-box computers?
Our certified techs scratch build systems to spec for your specific needs.
White-box computers?
"A white box computer is a custom-built computer with name-brand internal components...White boxes are generic computer systems that don't carry any particular brand name. White boxes typically come from computer consultants that build their own systems from parts, like you could do, but (hopefully) providing more service and support than you'd get if you did it yourself."
Computers+ |
A powerful PC for your home, or thousand's for your office? Tell us what you need; we'll take care of everything. [Link]
Internet Access |
We offer services for the home, business and travelers. All at great prices and outstanding customer service. [here]
Telecomm |
We've put all of our top business related services in one place to save you time. Whether you manage telecommunications for a Fortune 500 company, own a small business or have a home office, your savings start [here] |
Online Shopping |
We've searched the world over and reviewed literally thousands of products, just so you can come to one place and find everything you need. The hard work has already been done for you. We've already set the high standards and made the rigorous demands. As a result, we are confident in guaranteeing your satisfaction. Click [here] for more information. |
Online Business |
Tired of spending 40+ hours a week making your employer rich… while you struggle to make ends meet? We are an Exclusive Provider of Personal E-Commerce Enabled WebStores! We’ll provide you with your own online business! And best of all… We’ll give it to you...FREE! Click [here] for more information. |