About Our Logo |
Our company logo is based on a crop circle I saw a few years ago in South Wales (see arial shot [here]). The configuration shows how our 3 passions intersect: enabling internet technologies, life-long learning, and the Deming management philosophy. Virtually every pursuit of Breakthrough Systems is based on these.
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What We Do: |
Search Engine Optimization:
High search engine placement is the key to getting more visitors
- Is your web site lost at the bottom of the heap on the top search engines?
- Are you frustrated seeing your competitors ranking high on the search engines?
- Is your web site not performing like you expected (or were promised)?
Consider the following Facts:
- Fact: There are 4.9 billion Internet searches every month.
- Fact: There are 133 million unique searchers.
- Fact: There are 37.4 searches per searcher every month.
Search engines have a loyal audience:
- Fact: 99% of Internet users utilize search engines.
- Fact: 56% of Internet users search at least once a day.
- Fact: 21% of Internet users search four or more times a day.
Source: comScore qSearch data Jan. 2006; total U.S. Internet users
Services Include:
- Creation of targeted, optimized meta tags for entire website
- Creation of a search engine friendly site map
- Creation of optimized text-based navigation of the website
- SEO copy optimization of 10 keyword phrases for up to 10 pages
- Creation of targeted, optimized meta tags for entire website
- Implementation of optimized filenames, image names & directory names
- Creation and implementation of customized 404 Error Page
- Creation of a search engine friendly site map
- Creation of optimized text-based navigation of the site
- Optimizing inter-linking within the web pages of the site
- Controlling content headings and placement through optimized CSS